Psychedelic Integration List
Mental Health Support Practitioners by LocationMillions of people have had a psychedelic experience at some point in their life. Without support, it can be challenging to understand and integrate these experiences. The Psychedelic Integration List is a resource of individuals and organizations in the mental health field who help people integrate past psychedelic experiences.
Disclaimer: MAPS does not endorse those who are listed, or regularly update this list. This user-generated list is provided only for informational purposes and should not be construed as a referral by MAPS to any specific provider. MAPS has not independently vetted/verified the credentials or representations within any providers’ biography. MAPS will, however, comply with any applicable orders issued by an official body of which it has actual knowledge. For example, MAPS may delete an individual from this list that has been disciplined and prohibited from advertising in a manner consistent with the contents of their biography. Otherwise, this list includes both licensed and unlicensed individuals who identify as being knowledgeable in non-ordinary states of consciousness and who understand the importance of integration. The practitioners listed represent a variety of modalities, please use your discretion to find a practitioner who meets your specific needs. Do not contact anyone on this list for psychedelics or psychedelic therapy; this list is strictly intended for integration services. MAPS shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any services available on or through the psychedelic integration list. For more information, please visit